Joined-up marketing for accountants
Our knowledge
How can I rank quicker?
An SEO strategy is a long-term and ongoing process, and sustainable results often take time to achieve. However, here are some tips that could potentially help your website rank sooner:Â Keyword research: Target less competitive keywords that are relevant to your...
How to get more accounting clients for your firm
Whether you are rebuilding your firm, further capitalising on gains made or just trying to build some momentum, the quest for new clients continues. Marketing through hard times is often said to be the best opportunity, when weaker competitors have given up. We take a look at five go-to ideas to focus your marketing and gain new accounting clients.
Insight: The latest topics from small business
UK Business Forums (part of the Sift family) is the largest forum for startups and small businesses – it is an active and passionate community engage in lively debates, discussions and general chat on a wide range of topics. You don’t have to scroll through the 1,500...
How to create buyer personas to attract your perfect customer
The first rule of being able to effectively engage with customers (or potential customers) is to have a sound understanding of who they are and what challenges they face. Only then can you begin to figure out how your services can support them and what the most...
What we’re doing to comply with GDPR
In little over a month’s time, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be coming into force. All businesses, including PracticeWEB, have been getting their houses in order to comply with the EU-wide legislation before it takes effect on 25 May 2018. Now is...
Want to stand out from the crowd? Look at your language
If you look at enough accountant websites you'll spot some common themes. Whether that's the same colours (usually blue), images (men in suits) or the way firms describe themselves. We've already poked fun at the stock photos we see all the time. In this post we take...
Rethink using stock images
Nothing makes our hearts sink quicker than seeing cheesy stock photos plastered all over a well designed website. So much so that a couple of weeks ago we recreated some of most love to hate images which I think prove our point. However I think we should probably...
The complete guide to websites for accountants
Updated edition for 2022 and beyond
Everything you need to know to get the right website to help your accountancy firm meet its business and marketing goals, achieve maximum return on investment, and stand out in the accountancy marketplace.