Sourcing daily news stories
Keeping up with the news has never been more important. From sourcing and reporting daily news stories, our editorial assistant Jasdip Sensi explains all.
Insight for accountants: comparing your practice’s marketing to your rivals
Measuring your marketing performance is paramount to its success. Knowing what’s working and what isn’t means you can learn from your activity and optimise your marketing to ensure you’re attracting the right clients and the right time, with the right solution.
What exactly do accountants get from a PracticeWeb content strategy workshop?
When you’re convinced by the benefits of content marketing but simply don’t know where to start, a content strategy workshop is the solution. Starting at the end and working back, accounting firms that undertake a workshop with me or one of my colleagues walk away...Supporting clients in crisis: insights from UK Business Forums
The challenges that businesses faced before the pandemic outbreak haven’t gone away, meanwhile. If anything, The pressures of partnership difficulties, late payments, and workforce management are more pronounced now than they were before.