Leap Accounts

Outsourced expertise and exceptional customer service


Talking to Steve

Leap Accounts’ vision is to provide modern businesses with solutions and strategies to help them grow. Whether that’s through clever analytics or cutting-edge business advisory, Steve and his team offer a truly unique service where the lines between outsourced business partner and reliable finance director are blurred.

But their old site was unprofessional and bland. What good is it being a modern firm if you can’t show it to any interested client?

Working with us closely, Steve spent time connecting with our writers, designers and project managers to give us clear direction on creating a project that truly reflects the individuality of Leap Accounts.

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Results overview


Fast, modern, effective design


Unique market position emphasised


Strong conversion rate of 3%

“The old site was lacking professionalism; it wasn’t modern. We needed something that would take us to the next level.”


Steve Tanner, Director

Leap Accounts

The challenge

Modernise & revitalise

Leap’s site wasn’t reflecting the strengths of the firm itself — it was offering little in the way of leads and just didn’t represent the firm other than a quick point of reference.

Therein lay the challenge. We wanted to build a distinct website, one that served as a basis for all of Leap’s marketing, and one to which Steve’s current clients could refer back, should they need more information.

“PracticeWeb made the whole process clear from the start. They were helpful and explained the process from start to finish.”


Steve Tanner, Director

Leap Accounts

The Solution

Creating a fresh new look

We spoke to Steve at length about his brand strategy, where he wanted the business to go, and what it would take to get it there. Leap had a lot of engaging points of difference that weren’t being highlighted on their existing site. Our job was to tease this detail out and turn it into a fully-fledged brand and content strategy.

We started by running a content workshop, exploring how Steve and his team would want to communicate verbally with their audience — a vital cog in standing out from the crowd — and then a design-focused section to capture the new look and feel.

In the workshop, we used a mixture of open-ended questions, visual exercises, personas and gut tests to delve deeper into how this new site should look. Our writers and designers would use this information to build and write the site. And it gave Steve guidance on how to match the tone and look for any comms he would put out in the future.

“We wanted a site that would act as a digital shopfront for the business.”

We repeatedly returned to the strength in the name ‘Leap’, in how Steve and his team do business, and what makes them different. The design would have to be clean and sharp, but also laid back and forward-thinking. These are kinds of ideas that excite our creatives: they give us a ‘why’ to match our ‘how’.

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The results

Leaping from success to success

The new site gave Steve and his team a clearer market position to attract the right types of clients. It gave them a foundation point, a line in the sand to send to clients after a good phone call that would remind them about all the things Leap offers. It showed their expertise, passion and industrious nature in full technicolour, something vital to capturing the right clients for all of Leap’s analytical prowess.

The website has also achieved a 3% conversion rate since launching, demonstrating valuable growth for the team.

“We’re a way more responsive business — we aren’t about competing on price. We want to target clients who we can work as CFOs with, using our analytics to answer ad-hoc queries as and when they arise.”

What’s next for Leap accounts?

Steve and his team are looking to the future more than ever — asking themselves important questions like “How can we do this better?”.

Whatever they choose to do next, they have a strong brand and online presence to help them along the way.

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Kick off your growth journey

Our digital marketing services will set your firm apart from your competitors and provide clear, compelling messages for your ideal clients.. 

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0117 915 0420

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