First, just to be clear, PracticeWeb offers SEO for accountants and of course we’d love you to sign up for our service. But the point of this post isn’t a hard sell – it’s to help you ensure that whoever you choose to buy search engine consultancy...
Your website will benefit from long-form content because Google likes it, which is, in turn, because readers like it.Back when the web was young, online copywriters would adhere to a simple rule: keep it short. After all, computer screens were small and download...
Social media marketing looks straightforward enough at first, but when you get down to the finer details it can start to feel like a minefield. What kind of content should you be sharing? How often should you be posting it? And is there a difference between publishing...
The team page on your website isn’t merely functional and deserves as much thought and attention as any other. Done right, a good ‘meet the team’ section sends important signals to clients and prospects. For example, even before anybody reads a word, it can make an...
In March 2018, Google announced the rollout of mobile-first indexing, which meant the version of your website viewed on a smartphone or tablet became the main event, not a sideshow. I wrote about this at length last year but wanted to take a moment now, with a full 12...