Start by clicking on Ninja Forms on the left-hand side of the back end of your site. Click on Add New. Select what type of form you want to create; for this example, we will create a Contact Us form. Click on Contact Us. The next page you will see is the form builder.
To change the label of a field, click on the Cog Icon next to the field you want to change. Place your text in the Label section and click Done.

To add a new field to your form, click on the blue plus icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. Select what type of field you want to add and click Done. Drag and drop where you want that field to be in the form.

To remove a field from your form, hover over the cog on the corresponding section you want to remove and click on the Bin icon.

To duplicate a field, hover over the cog on the corresponding section and click the Duplicate icon.

Once you are done editing your form, click the Publish button.